Category: Uncategorized

Macro vs Micro Nutrients

What are the differences with Macro vs Micro nutrients?
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So a lot of us are stuck at home and feel that there isn’t much to challenge us. That can stop if you choose to. Here is a type of
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Free Workout for Home

HIIT 1-10 Warm up for 5 minutes (run in place, walk, or do calisthenics) Do each exercise one after the other then rest when done with Mount Climbers. The object
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Diet And Wellness Spotlight

I read an article in U.S.News on 11 Heart-Healthy Soups that states soups are good for your heart health. Now not all soups are going to fall in this category,
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Cardio vs Weights

This is a big issue. So many people, feel that cardio out performs weight lifting. Science is showing that this is not the case. Cardio does have its place, but
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Full body workout

So what would be a full body workout. HIIT. Enough said!!!! HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This new style of exercise is game changing. What you do is
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